
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.
INSIDER 29 | SPECIAL FEATURES | ‘Treasures of the Gupta Empire’, a new book by Sanjeev Kumar
Jan 24 2018

By Barbara Mears

While coins have been made for over 2000 years in India, none have matched the coins of the Gupta Dynasty, issued between the 4th and 6th centuries AD for sheer beauty. The Gupta era is the period that most Indians consider to be the golden age, when art and literature reached its apogee. It was a time when a ruler was defined by his perfection in all things: poetry, music, the arts of love and war, and elegance of attire. The Gupta coins that have come down to us reflect this ideology perfectly.

FINANCING THE WORLD by Keith Hollender
Jun 07 2017

My own interest in bonds and shares began while I was working in international banking in the 1970s, when the world was a 'simpler' place and debts were less than today. Banks were keen to lend money to governments, whatever their colour, and to fund individuals with smart ideas - some too smart - and many of today's financial crises are, pitifully, a reflection of what has happened before. If nothing else, I can only hope that this history will help today's financiers to be a little mo...

The Royal Victorian Order
Jan 26 2017

As we end the year at Spink, it is with great pleasure that we have opened our doors to a royal visit. HRH Princess Helen of Romania was the guest of honour at the book launch of Peter Galloway's The Royal Victorian Order. Peter Galloway, or to give him his correct designation, the Reverend Professor Peter Galloway OBE is Chaplain of the Queen's Chapel of the Savoy. The chapel was built as part of a charitable foundation under the terms of the will of King Henry VII in the early sixteenth centu...

Jan 17 2017

Spink is pleased to announce the publication ofDefacing the Past. Damnation and Desecration in Imperial Rome, in collaboration with the British Museum. The book is written by Dario Calomino, project curator in the Department of Coins and Medals at the British Museum, to accompany his current exhibition in Gallery 69a (on view until 7th May 2017 and free). The display features a selection of objects on which the names and images of ancient rulers, especially Roman emperors, were d...

Coins of England & the United Kingdom
Jul 16 2012

Coins of England & The United Kingdom was first published in 1929 by B.A. Seaby Ltd. and was issued as a paper cover booklet with a cover price of 6d and was entitled Catalogue of Coins of Great Britain and Ireland. It later became the Standard Catalogue of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in 1945 which was written by H.A. Seaby between air raids, whilst in Air Raid Precautions Control Room in North London. So popular was this edition that it ran to three impressions, reprinted in 194...

Coinage and Currency in Eighteenth Century Britain: The Provincial Coinage
Apr 17 2012

By David Dykes  Written by an expert in the field and drawing on recent research, this book aims to put Britain's 18th-century provincial token coinage into the context of the currency problems of the time. On the basis of a wide range of both documentary and secondary sources, it examines its major manufacturers and their intentions, and through profiles of many of the issuers involved it sets out to give a living dimension to a bygone monetary phenomenon. Contains extensive photographs...

Banknotes of British Malaya: The Frank Goon Collection
Apr 17 2012

Including the Straits Settlements, Malaya, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore Spink is proud to announce the publication of this sumptuous new book; a celebration of a unique collection of banknotes, assembled over a period of 20 years by Mr. Frank Goon, a prominent Malaysian businessman. It is the most comprehensive collection of its type, spanning many eras of change within the lower area of South East Asia. The collection includes many unique notes, never before...

Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles
Jun 08 2011

The Norweb Collection - Tokens of the British Isles 1575-1750. Part VIII, Middlesex and Uncertain Pieces. by R.H. Thompson and M.J. Dickinson This volume, covering the county of Middlesex, is the concluding part of the monumental eight-volume catalogue of The Norweb Collection of 17th Century Tokens of the British Isles. The first volume was published in 1984 and subsequent volumes appeared at intervals of roughly four years. It is the largest private collection that has ever been formed, ad...

The Herbert Schneider Collection Volume Three Anglo-Gallic, Flemish and Brabantine Gold Coins 1330 1794
Jun 08 2011

By Peter Woodhead The Herbert Schneider collection of gold coins was formed over a period of 50 years by one of the leading experts in the field. The first volume covering English gold coins from 1257 - 1603 was published in 1996, followed by the second volume covering English gold coins from 1603 - 20th century, published in 2002. It is the finest collection in private hands and is outranked only by that of the British Museum. This third volume cataloguing the Herbert Schneider collection is...

Roman Coins & Their Values Volume IV
Apr 07 2011

By David R. Sear The Tetrarchies & The Rise of the House of Constantine. The Collapse of Paganism & The Triumph of Christianity, Diocletian to Constantine I, AD 284-337. 528 pages, fully illustrated throughout with valuations in £ and US$. This volume contains a comprehensive listing of the Roman coinage of the period AD 284-337 together with background information on the history of each reign and the principal characteristics of its coinage. The catalogue is organized primarily by ru...

The Order of the Thistle
Sep 06 2010

By Peter Galloway The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle was instituted by King James VII (of Scotland) and II (of England) in 1687 to recognize the loyalty of those who governed Scotland in his name. From those early years and through eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when political allegiance was often foremost in the selection of a knight, the Order of the Thistle has matured into an honour that recognizes Scots men and women of outstanding reputation and pre-eminent serv...

A Bibliography of 18th Century Numismatic Books
Sep 04 2010

By Christian E. Dekesel & Yvette M. M. Dekesel-De Ruyck Early numismatic publications contain invaluable evidence which can throw new light upon unsolved numismatic questions. This new work contains over 6000 numismatic works published between 1700 and 1800. The authors have studied each publication page by page and have meticulously categorized and analysed their contents. The first volume includes a detailed geographical, chronological and categorical analysis of all 18th century numism...