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Auction: CSS82B - Hong Kong Printing Press Specimens
Lot: 1120

Kwangtung Province All Provincial Merchants Corps Defence Headquarters, a specimen loan certificate for HKD$500, 1.9.1924, red border with '500' at each corner, issuer title and 'loan certificate' in green, yellow under print with Chinese characters 'Wu Bai Yuan' (500 Dollars) below, counterfoil attached, a total of HKD$2,000,000 loan was proposed under four different denomination bonds ($25, $50, $100 and $500),
about very fine, repaired tear to body, counterfoil damage as per image. In Janaury 1924 the Nationalist Government adopted policies including 'Unite with Russia' and 'Accept Communism'. Canton Merchants were concerned Sun Yat Sen would adopt communism in Guangzhou and they began to oppose the Nationalist Government. In May that year, the Nationaist Government annunced a low of 'unified road ownership to impose new tax which caused more dissatisfaction. The Canton Merchants Corps established its Defence Headquarters in August 1924 with Chen Jiongming as its commander. It purchased weapons which was later confiscated by the Nationalist Government and this led to a march by the Merchants Corps to demand possession of their weapons. Matters got out of hand quickly and in the end Chiang Kai Shek and his Whampoa Military Cadets quickly defeated the Corps and retook Guangzhou on 15th October 1924. Chen was forced to self exile in Hong Kong. This bond is extremely rare, likley never to have been issued as the Corps Headquarters were very quickly defeated. A important historical document relating to the turbulent history of Guangzhou in the early Nationalist period. Phenomenally rare if not unique.

民國十三年廣東全省商團軍聯防總部借券五百元,附借券存根,總額二百萬元,分二十五元、五十元、一百元及五百元四種面額,AVF品相,紙身如圖所示,經膠帶修補,存根有缺 廣州商團成立於1912年,最開始是廣州商民維持社會治安、保護商家生命財產安全的自衛武裝。1919年匯豐銀行廣州分行買辦陳廉伯接任商團團長後,廣州商團實力不斷擴充,政治傾向日趨保守,逐步演變為與孫中山革命政府對抗的武裝力量。1924年國共合作聯合戰線建立後,陳在香港英國殖民當局支持下大肆攻擊孫中山的革命政策,煽動商民對抗革命政府。月底,陳等在廣州召集廣東全省商鄉團聯防會議,成立由陳廉伯任總長、鄧介石、陳恭受任副總長的“廣東省商團軍聯防總部”,企圖以商團武力推倒孫中山的革命政府,另組“商人政府”。後商團軍屠殺雙十節遊行民眾,發動武裝叛亂。事發後,孫中山在韶關多次電令蔣介石、廖仲愷、胡漢民、許崇智等火速平定商團叛亂,還令北伐軍一部回師廣州戡亂。10月15日,革命政府軍隊攻占西關商團總部,商團軍潰散。革命政府繼續消滅商團軍殘餘,並依孫中山的命令通緝陳廉伯等首惡分子10餘人。至此,廣州商團叛亂被蕩平。為籌集反革命軍事經費,廣東省商團軍聯防總部擬於1924年10月15日發行借券一組,計有25元、50元、100元、500元四種面值,但因兵敗未及發行,現所見實物均為帶存根的未發行票,存世罕見,可遇而不可求也。——原文摘自黃琦先生編著《中國軍用鈔票圖典》

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